Montessori Physical Education

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Late Labor Day Sale

Hello everyone,

 If you have not already done so, I encourage you to download the free lessons from the website. While the lesson plans cannot be used “as is” because they were designed pre-Covid-19, when “things get back to normal,” your students will love these games. If nothing else, they will give you a sense of my writing style and how I approach the creation of integrated Montessori PE lessons.

 To help right now, I have a new section on the website called Free Resources, and there you can find lessons for at-home learning, games created with Covid-19 restrictions in mind, as well as a streamlined area to download the free samples. The best part about the free resources section is everything there is indeed free, and I will continue to update that section throughout the year.

 Any support in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated. I have all three volumes on sale for $75, which means you are getting every lesson for less than a dollar, and it would go a long way in supporting me. Individual volumes are $29, but the best deal is purchase all three, as it contains every single lesson from every bundle. To make this even better, until the end of the week if you use the code:


and you will get an extra 20% off until Monday the 14th, which can all be found in the website store.

Thank you for your work with the children in this difficult time. While our personal fuel tanks may be feeling drained already, knowing that you are making a real difference in their lives hopefully keeps you going. I hope my work in some small part can keep you energized. We can only do our best, and the goals we may have had in 2019 are not the same goals that we have for 2020. Happy, safe, and engaged children is what we are striving for, and I hope my games can help you achieve that goal.

Good luck,

Nicolas Lepine

Montessori Physical Education