New Year, New Free Lesson Plan (Constitution Ball)

As we come to the end of another year, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude and thankfulness for your continued support and engagement with my content. Your readership, comments, and purchases have made it possible for me to continue creating meaningful educational resources and sharing them with the world. I especially want to thank everyone who has become a member of Montessori Physical Education. With unlimited access to every lesson plan as well as the video tutorials, I know your students will absolutely love the games you play with them.

As a small token of my appreciation, I am excited to announce that I am making the brand new lesson plan for Constitution Ball available as a free sample download in the store. This lesson plan is a fun and engaging way to teach your students about the U.S. Constitution and its importance in our democracy. I hope you all enjoy it and find it helpful in your (physical education) classrooms.

I will be taking a brief hiatus from blogging and lesson creation for the remainder of 2023, but I will be back in 2024 with even more exciting and informative content for you all.

Once again, thank you all for your support and encouragement throughout the year. I wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and a fantastic start to the new year.

Thank you,


Montessori Physical Education

Click the image link above to get the free lesson plan!